We help your branding.

Your personality is more than just the clothes you wear. It’s what you say.

Find your
tone of voice.

Are you adventurous? Regal? Silly? The way you talk tells people much more about your brand than your colours or your logo. Voice is personality. It’s what you say that matters.


So we’ll help you decide on your tone, create guidelines for your people to follow and make sure your brand is consistent.

Figure out your
brand purpose.

At the core of every brand is a single question. Why do you do this? But it’s a much harder question than people realise.


So we’ll help your figure out your purpose, your mission and your values. And we’ll put it all together into a single narrative that you can communicate around the business.

Name your products.

Names are important. Descriptive names. Abstract names. Names that catch your attention on the bus and names that just skip along the tongue.


But it’s important that your names are also consistent. That they follow a theme and feel like a family. So we help you name things, but also create a system to make sure that your future names follow the same rules.

Which words are right for you?